television n. 电视。 black-and-white television 黑白电视。 closed-circuit [industrial] television 内部闭路[工业]电视。 colour television 彩色电视。 combat television 指挥作战用的电视。 commercial [sponsored] television 商业电视。 the two-way television 双向电视。 I won't allow Little Mary to watch television till midnight. 我不会让小玛丽看电视到午夜的。 That's the third time the varsity team appeared on television this season. 那是我们校队本季第三次在电视上出现。 -al, -ary adj.
screen n. 1.屏风;围屏;屏幕;帘;幔;帐(等)。 2.矮墙,隔板。 3. 荧光屏;【电学】屏蔽;【物理学】栅,网,帘栅极。 4. (电视、电脑等的)屏幕;(电影的)银幕;电视屏;〔the screen〕 电影(界)。 5. 粗筛;煤筛。 6. 滤网,过滤器。 7. 【印刷】网纹玻璃;网屏,网板〔照相制版将银粒浓淡色调转变为网目的工具〕。 8. 【摄影】滤光器;网孔。 9. 掩蔽物;警戒幕。 10. 【军事】掩护部队;掩护舰;屏护[前卫]部队。 11. 掩护。 12. 【气象学】百叶箱。 13. (金属,塑料等制成的)纱窗;饰窗,纱门。 14. 【心理学】屏隔,屏障〔一种隐蔽或掩饰形式〕。 a folding screen 折叠屏风。 a smoke screen 烟幕。 a touch screen 电脑的触摸屏〔以手触摸特定部位即可使屏幕上显示所需信息〕。 make a screen version of 将…编成电影(剧本)。 put on a screen of indifference 假装不知道的样子;假装冷淡。 screen mesh 筛眼;网孔。 screen play 电影剧(本)[脚本]。 screen time 放映时间。 show [throw] on the screen 放映。 silk screen method 丝网漏印法。 under screen of night 乘黑;在夜幕掩护下。 vt. 1.遮;遮蔽;隔开;藏匿;庇护。 2.筛选(煤炭等);甄别。 3.把(小说)拍成电影;把…放映在银幕上。 4.【无线电】屏蔽。 vi. 拍电影,在银幕上出现。 screen off 用幕(屏)隔开;隔出。 screen out 1. 筛去。 2. 筛选;选拔;甄别。
That week people all over the world saw the film of this mysterious light on the their television screens . 在那一周内,全世界的人都在电视屏幕上看到了这一神秘发光体的镜头。
In addition to the usual telephone handset the equipment includes a small television screen and, combined with the screen, a television camera . 这套设备除了一般的电话送话器以外,还包括一个小萤光屏和一个电视摄像机。
The television screen remained the center of attention 电视屏幕依然是人们注意的中心。
The television screen has a cockroach on it 电视的萤幕上有一?蟑螂。
I say screen because it s not just a television tube , it s a television screen 电视机有屏幕,但除此之外,你还有
The effect of flicker from television screen on the function of visual accommodation 电视屏幕闪烁对人体视觉调节功能影响的研究
Television screens insist on the authenticity of everything you are about to see and hear 电视屏幕坚持让你将要看到和听到的一切都是真实的。
Not with all these empty newspaper words or empty television screen . it s nothing 不是那些空洞的报纸言论或电视萤幕就能中伤的,那些都不算什么。
Monitors : output device like a television screen that displays data processed by the computer 终端机:像电视荧屏那样显示处理过的数据的输出装置
When you put a program into the control box , a picture of the game appears on the television screen 把一个游戏卡放入控制盒,游戏的画面就出在电视机的屏幕上显示出来。